

Dato' Khairussaleh Ramli
Executive Director
Dr Amina Josetta Kayani

A-11-1, AICB Building

No 10 Jalan Dato' Onn 

50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 2202 7223


Study Tour to Tokyo, Japan



Monday, 31 October & Tuesday, 1 November 2016


The delegation on a guided tour of the Tokyo Stock Exchange


The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) as the chair of the Permanent Committee on ASEAN Inter-Regional Relations (IRR), after a survey done in March 2016 with members of the ASEAN Bankers Association, selected Tokyo, Japan as the venue for the 2016 study tour.

Twenty five delegates comprising senior bankers from nine ASEAN countries namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia participated in the study tour.  The primary purpose of the study tour was to build and foster inter-regional relations with Japanese banks, industry associations and the banking and financial services industry.

The feedback from participants on the study tour to Tokyo was very positive.  They found the study tour to be fruitful, enlightening and informative.  It provided an excellent insight into the financial services industry in Tokyo as well as the recent developments and innovations in its banking sector.

Much appreciation goes out to various parties who made this study tour possible and a success, namely the delegates for their active participation and camaraderie, and to the gracious Japanese hosts for their warm hospitality and engaging sessions.

Visit to Topics / Areas Covered
Japan Bankers Association (JBA)
  • Role of JBA
  • Overview of the Japanese Banking System
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU)
  • Overview of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group/BTMU
  • Fintech
Financial Services Agency (FSA)

Bank Supervision and Regulation in Japan

  • The Mission and Organization of FSA
  • Restoring Confidence in the Banking Sector:  Supervisory efforts in late 1990s to early 2000s
  • Supervisory Challenges under a New Environment
  • Implementation of Prudential Standards
  • FSA’s Response to the Post-Crisis Basel 3 Reforms

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)

  • Overview of SMBC Asia Strategy
  • Market Trend of Developed Countries
Tokyo Stock  Exchange (TSE)
  • JPX PR video
  • Explanation of TSE Arrows from the 2nd floor gallery
Mizuho Bank
  • Introduction to Project Finance and renewable projects
  • Equator Principles
Bank of Japan (BOJ) Current situation on Japanese financial system based on the FSR issued in October 2016

Innovation in the banking and financial services industry.